Here I am giving a portrait demonstration for SOFAP The Society of Fulham Artists and Potters in SW London.

I began teaching back in the mid seventies when I was living and working in the USA.

I made the decision then, not to work for an institution, but to hold independent workshops which I knew would give me more freedom. All these years later, I am very pleased that I made that decision.

I have given workshops in many different countries. I was once asked what I do when I don’t speak the language? My response was to say that painting, like music is a universal language.

A portrait demonstration for a group in Paris. using watercolour and gouache.

Demonstrating has always been a vital part of my workshops/teaching….allowing attendees to be present and focus.

A group of young students at Spearfish High School. S.Dakota. In this instance I am talking to them about watercolour painting and practicing every day which was followed by a demonstration.

My dear friend the artist Bonnie Halsey Dutton was recently with me in London…. You can see from this article why I sometimes get confused. Here I am described as the Welsh artist…but am also often referred to as the American or English artist….take your pick:)

I enjoy working with young, enthusiastic groups like this one in Brittany France. I painted several watercolour portraits using the children as my models and then we painted a mural together which I am told is still at the school.

Working on the mural….

I find that all age groups love to see paint moved around…..

When I first moved to London in 2005 – after living and working in Wales for twelve years, I connected with a group called Atslink run by Julia Dennis….

Through Artslink I met many lovely people including Tony Morris…whose portrait I painted.

Once again life took on an organic quality...with one thing leading into the next. Through Artslink I met Greta and Martin Chafer – who in turn introduced me to The Hurlingham Club (where I taught for several years) and quite a few other venues….The Hurlingham Club lead me to the art school in Portugal .…and so it goes.

With Jayanthi from India and Jane from France at the wonderful ART SCHOOL in olhao, Portugal in one of the courtyards….

In an ideal world I would work from a life models every day.…There have been times during my career when I have been able to do that….

Life drawing/painting is all about observation, benefiting every area of our work.

An example of one of my spontaneous full sheet watercolours…pen/watercolour wash

Over the years I have worked with many diverse groups..including Amish children...which was a huge privilege and one of the highlights of my career. These young people are so focused – I am hoping that I get the opportunity to work with them again.

Since I began teaching in the early seventies, the art world has changed beyond recognition. Today workshops are advertised in many different forms all over the world. It has become big business and when that happens the fat cats get involved..!

Social media has had a great deal to do with this. People of all ages are now making art….which can only be good. So different from the days when galleries pretty much dictated what would be shown.

Because I have a deep belief that the ‘creative process’ in all its forms is the key to emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing, In an ideal world workshops/art classes would be available to everyone…..cost would have nothing to do with it

Working with a group of children in Crickhowell, Wales...I wonder how many of these young people are still making art?

As an art teacher I believe that emotional intelligence, patience along with a deep respect for the developmental needs of students is necessary….

Enthusiasm is key.

The photographs shown here represent a tiny fraction of my teaching over the years..

Don’t forget to PLAY…..

My next post, which will be the final one in this series, Chinese exhibition, Covid and finding the HUB….


  1. Timothy Price

    You do learn a lot teaching. Wonderful memories, photos and your watercolors are fantastic.

  2. Jacqui Murray

    Teaching is one of the avocations that has as much good as you can find in it. I’m glad you love it. Great line–“painting, like music is a universal language.

  3. Don't Lose Hope

    How wonderful to have taught with so many different types of group, and in so many different parts of the world. Following your intuition has led to such a rewarding life! And I absolutely love your comment that “painting is a universal language.” How true! I’d never thought of that before. Thanks for another fascinating post!!!

  4. Linda

    What a lovely sight are your paintings and to see your glorious colors again. I have been away from blogging and painting for a very long time now. It never leaves the heart. Finally finally, we have moved to the northern coast of Mendocino, California. I have been away from blogging and painting for a very long time now. Life has a way… thank you deeply for these sumptuous pieces! They swam straight into my heart! Linda

  5. tiffanyarpdaleo

    Your posts are always inspiring, thank you so much for sharing with us! I just started teaching art workshops and I feel it is what I am supposed to do with my life, I have so much to learn, but it really is all about playing and having fun!

    1. janetweightreed10 Post author

      That is wonderful Tiffany. Judging from your art, you will be just fine. Playing and having fun is key. Where will you be giving the workshops? If I can help in anyway – let me know. Janet x

  6. Arsha Kaviani

    Love this Janet! Teaching is one of the most impactful and beautiful ways to learn our artform even better. I still have your lovely photos with the Amish. The philosopher Seneca would always say ‘When you teach you learn’ 🙂

    Lots of love xoxo

    1. janetweightreed10 Post author

      I was just thinking about you this morning, and pulled a sketch of you from one of my portfolios. I hope you are staying warm:) and yes teaching is a gift for teacher and student. Love you Arsha and we must get together soon…XXX


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