Tag Archives: photography


It is now 2006. I moved to London in 2005 so that I could be closer to my ailing Mother in Kent, First one year in Barnes, and then with my friends Rosie and Charles Fletcher in Maidenhead. In 2008 I found a bolt hole in Hampton south west London. A place that allowed me to go back and forth to Kent as well as airports for my teaching assignments in Europe.

After twelve blissful years of living in Crickhowell….I missed it so much, however, I am content to take the beautiful scenery, memories and wonderful friends with me. I visit as much as possible…and stay with my dear friend Gareth and Sally Rees at Curlews…one of my favourite places.

I had already signed up to facebook where I immediately saw its potential.. I began to post images of my paintings…and for no reason in particular, other than people seeming to like them, my hummingbirds.

Anyone following this story will note that I was first introduced to hummingbirds in Flat Rock North Carolina in the 1960s. Over the years and more specifically through my wonderful friends the Kearns clan (who I first met in Westtown in the early seventies) – I was able to visit the southern states of the USA and spend hours observing these amazing flying. jewels.

From the start they took on a magical quality for me. They symbolised the ‘unseen’ in our world. We humans tend to focus only on what we can see and touch, but it is my belief that it is the unseen energy that surrounds us which is more important.

In my little book Christeve the Cat Finds a Home of Her Own. it is the magical hummingbirds that guide her……

During this period, I am commuting back and forth to Kent to oversee Mother’s care and her house and home. I did everything.I could to keep her in her own home but ultimately after she became more and more unwell, I had to bring her to – a nursing home just a five minute walk from my bolt hole in Hampton.

At the same time I was teaching and painting in France, Brussels, Wales, Portugal and other parts of Europe – only returning to my Hampton bolt hole to rest and spend time with my Mother at Hampton Care. ……..

Christeve the Cat surrounded by magical hummingbirds……

Then a fellow artist suggested that I post my paintings on ‘twitter’…something I was not keen on doing…however, I gave it a go and within a week a woman from Texas (Misty Johnson) contacted me to say that she had a website Hummingbirdhq.com which dealt with all things to do with hummingbirds! She began to represent my hummingbird images.

It was also at this time that I began to write my blog…..which I believe is one of the most personally nourishing things I have done. It was the early days of blogging and so when asked what a blog was…I would simply say ‘I don’t know but it feels right’.….thank goodness I followed my intuition.

On my next post….teaching and all that it has given to me and what it means to me.


‘ The more we exercise and practise our creative thinking, which is what the Apple Exercise is all about, the easier and more fluent this process will become enhancing all areas of our lives….’