Overview of my workshop at the HUB this week.

On Wednesday I gave a socially distanced live workshop at the HUB – a community centre based in Hampton. http://www.theinspiredhub.co.uk

The subject for the three hour session was SKIES. We looked at some of the different ways they can be painted.

I brought along one of my sketchbooks which had skies from the UK and France…demonstrating how our sketch books can become jumping off points for paintings.

In the next painting I am working on hot pressed paper. Beginning with the clouds I apply tiny amounts of pigment to the wet clouds while leaving dry white paper in some areas. I then introduce the blue/violet colour of the surrounding sky. Be playful and don’t worry about being perfect. I have also used very small amounts of permanent white gouache to soften some of the cloud edges. The dark trees ground the painting and mirror the same colours in the sky. Remember everything is interconnected.

Anyone who has come to my workshop will know how much emphasis I put on warming up.

I suggested to the group that they bring a watercolour that they don’t like so that I could use it for demonstration purposes. I don’t have any photographs of the images that I ‘changed’ during the workshop and so have used one of my old watercolour/gouache sketches for demonstration purposes.

I didn’t like this image and so no matter what I did to it…it didn’t matter. The whole point of the exercise is to WARM UP – and use this sketch as a JUMPING OFF POINT

After throwing some stronger colour at it, I still don’t like the painting but I am warmed up. I can always cut it into several pieces and see how many other paintings are revealed. BE PLAYFUL and don’t be precious it’s only paper…..

Using images from sketchbooks, I suggested to the group that they do a lot of what we call Thumb Nail Sketches. These are somewhat bigger than most thumb nails but they illustrate how beneficial it can be do do lots of little sketches/notes

When we think of painting skies, we tend to go with the obvious (white clouds in a blue sky) ….but perhaps because I lived and worked in the Brecon Beacons in Wales for twelve years, when I think sky, I see many different colours, drama and moods. These little sketches are a reminder of this.

Obvious way to get a cloud effect is to apply strong pigment into a wet wash…and then take a tissue, paper towel, etc. etc. to gently blot up paint. Also use a larger dry brush to lift the paint from the paper.….however, I prefer a more direct approach.

I will be giving one workshop a month at the HUB during 2021….and will post corresponding overview blogs each time.

This watercolour/gouache sketch was painted on a boat in Kinsale Harbour, County Cork.

One more from the Brecon Beacons…..watercolour/gouache

Happy painting everyone.

And remember to say loose…..:). Janet

29 thoughts on “Overview of my workshop at the HUB this week.

    1. janetweightreed10 Post author

      Thank you dear Brad. I have pulled back to one workshop a month here in the UK and hopefully a few more workshops in Portugal and France…. As long as I am well and energetic I will continue:)X

      1. Katherine

        Very warm here,Janet.Hope you’ve been able to relax and do the things you are too busy for in the week.I’vebeen choosing Xmas presents for my nephews.Otherwise I’ll just open the bedroom window and throw all my money into the wind.Let God decide! Much love,K

  1. davidjrogersftw

    Janet, I’m happy for you that you have that art c enter so close to you, and am hapy too that you did the lovely workshop which I’m sure everyone present loved. I love you painters, love the way you go about your work so rirualistically and respectfully, you starting with a warm up, and the way you work with pigments and colors. Seems to me, a worker with abstract words that I can’t get all over my fingers, that would be great fun and requires years of experience to master,

    Diana and I go for walks every day and always notice and comment on the changes in the sky. The street we walk along was once–many years ago–an indian trail used by the Chppewaa who liveqd here. I’ve often thought that those natice Americans kept track of and understood skies and clouds and weather better than we modrens do. I’m sure they knew every nuance of them and probably had an extensive sky vocaularry.

    Thank you for the post. It seems possiblte that if these vaccines work you well might be back in Portugal for the workshop next year, Hope so.

    1. janetweightreed10 Post author

      Good morning David – on a very cold overcast London day….perfect for working in the studio.
      Thank you very much – how lovely to imagine your road as an Indian trail….I am quite sure that the Native Americans knew so much more than we do.
      I was about to read and answer your recent post when I realised that it has disappeared…would you please post again so that I can read. I am so sorry about this, but at times the computer becomes more and more tricky:)

      Wishing you and Diana a lovely day and week ahead. Janet 🙂

  2. Jet Eliot

    I enjoyed this informative painting lesson, Janet. From your videos and overviews like today’s, it is easy to see how thorough and hands-on your classes are. The frequent reminders of staying loose, “don’t be precious” or perfect, and the importance of warming up and practicing are so wonderful for all artists to hear, not just painters. The paintings and descriptions were much appreciated, too. Good luck in your classes ahead, and thank you for the artful reminders.

  3. snowbird

    God bless the newly discovered Hub on your doorstep and all the future workshops you’ll be featuring. Your skies were indeed heavenly and divine, even the one you didn’t like. I always cut up old watercolour fails and see what emerges. Love and hugs.xxx


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