14 thoughts on “……or you stand still like the hummingbird………Henry Miller

    1. janetweightreed10 Post author

      Thank you Dina…you are so well placed to do just that…..given your intense love and understanding of our natural world. Have a fab bank holiday with all the furies and Hub:)xxx

  1. Vicki Snaddon

    Hello Janet, Here I am back at Pook’s Hill, and though I miss Portugal, I’m enjoying the noisy howler monkeys and parrots and of course, the hummingbirds (they will never look the same after seeing your paintings……………..) At the moment we have Rufus Tails, White-necked Jacobin and Green-breasted Mango coming to the lodge…………..hope that tempts you. We’ve lots of space during June, July and August, so do let me know if you (and anyone else can make it). Enjoying your blog, Vicki

    Date: Fri, 23 May 2014 07:34:02 +0000 To: vickisnaddon@hotmail.com

    1. janetweightreed10 Post author

      Oh Vicki, that all sounds so wonderful….Let me put my thinking cap on….I will think of you with all those amazing sights and sounds surrounding you….I am now preparing for another artist friend to arrive from S. AFrica this weekend. I know she would love Pook’s Hill….Hope you are able to do some painting:)


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