Writing Routines and Rituals

This blog is the perfect follow-up for my blog ‘Self-discipline=Freedom’ I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Janet.


The main goal of all creative people is to be productive: to produce works. Their work schedule and environment are artist workingdesigned to facilitate production because production is their reason for being. Everything—all your education and training, habits, dreams and hopes, and all your routines and rituals are aimed at that one central goal: getting good work out; being able to produce. If a writer or artist is being productive she’s happy. If she’s not, she’s unhappy.

I rise fully awake, my mind sharp, at 4:00 A.M. Then I turn on music and putter around in the kitchen. I’m purposely delaying starting to work so ideas will start germinating, straightening themselves out, and working themselves to my consciousness. Waking or sleeping, night or day, conscious or unconscious, writers’ and artists’ minds continue without stop to produce ideas relevant to their work.

I have a bowl of Cheerios and make my wife’s…

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5 thoughts on “Writing Routines and Rituals

  1. freespirit

    You inspire me when ever i see your name i start getting the urge to paint again. I am avenscent by the way from blog.co.uk now i am a wordpress fan.X


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